Many animals will be crossing roadways, so motorists are asked to slow down and keep a close watch for animals, especially during dawn and dusk hours. Many animals are now beginning their annual migration toward their summer ranges. Individuals need to contact a game warden prior to removing the head from the field. In addition, any antlers or horns found in Wyoming that are still attached to the skull need to be tagged with an Interstate Game Tag by a Wyoming Game and Fish law enforcement officer. This winter has been particularly hard on many big game herds in western Wyoming, so it is especially important that these animals not have to endure any unnecessary stress at this most critical time of year. The purpose of the seasonal closure is to minimize harassment or disturbance of big game animals on their winter and spring ranges when animals are most vulnerable to stress and displacement to less productive habitats. For more information on Game & Fish WHMAs, you may visit the website at: Īccording to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission regulation, “collection” is defined as: to search for, locate, stockpile, or possess shed antlers and horns of big game animals on public land or attempt to search for, locate, stockpile, or possess shed antlers and horns of big game animals on public land. Similarly, Wildlife Habitat Management Areas (WHMAs) managed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department in the Jackson and Pinedale Regions are closed to human presence December 1 through April 30. However, the shed antler regulation does apply to all other federal or public lands not covered under such winter range closures. In addition, many big game winter ranges in both Teton and Sublette counties have further restrictions to either human presence or motor vehicles during the winter months. This regulation has been in effect since 2009 and includes all state-owned lands as well as federal lands.

Jackson - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department reminds antler hunters there is a season in place which prohibits the gathering of horns or shed antlers from January 1 through April 30 on public lands west of the Continental Divide in Wyoming.

Wait until May 1 to gather shed antlers west of the Continental Divide and antlers on the skull need to be tagged by a Game & Fish law enforcement officer.