Because I frickin' crapped myself, it's not that big deal!"

"Okay, so I have one last weiner question for you: Have you ever seen big purple wiener become flaccid?" "Well there you go."."Have you seen a silverfish fish for fish?" "Holy crap, I think I just pooped a little."."Now let me ask you one more question: Have you ever seen a purple wiener, turn into a zombie, kill a villager, and then turn into back to purple weiner?" "Well now you've seen it all, you're welcome.".Watch as SSundee and Crainer figure out that the cow automation. In Season 2, two new guests, Bacon Donut and GiantWaffle join to be against SSundee, and Crainer to which theyre going to prank into their worlds, it died down until 19 episodes later. "Now let me ask you another question: Have you ever seen a purple wiener, flying a hang glider?" "See something new everyday." Watch as SSundee and Crainer figure out that the cow automation will never happen unless they."Have you ever seen somebody turn into a purple wiener?" "Well, now you have.“Crainer, do you have a pen and paper?” (Sky Factory)."Ohhhhh" Then leans back in his chair and laughs "Oh my gosh!" (Jailbreak)."He's gotta be low!" (Whenever he is doing PvP)."Cobblestone is love, cobblestone is life." (Sky Factory)."CRAINER STOP! WHAT U DOING!?!" (Sky Factory)."Well anyways doods I hope you enjoyed the video" (End of Videos)."False swipe to the dome!" (Pixelmon series)."No no no, I'm a fan, I'm a fan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.!"."DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO TO MAKE THIS CAKE? DID YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO?!".
He often notes in his Minecraft Mod Showcases and other videos that villagers are named Money Stealers and usually the antagonists.In Mod reviews he always has a stack of steak.Derp SSundee is usually seen at the beginning of every video and he says a comedic line. He has a "derped" alter-ego that he calls "Derp SSundee".his most often can be found playing with MrCrainer.His greatest fears are Acrophobia and Thalassophobia.Jerome stated that she was Maddie and that she was Ian's girlfriend. They were goofing around, saying goodbye to each other when a woman entered the room. On August 20th, 2013. JeromeASF (another youtuber) uploaded an "IRL" vlog video where he appeared to be in a hotel room in Las Vegas with Ian and a couple of more friends. Because of this, SSundee was able to get back on his feet and continue his Minecraft series with his friends. He sounded sad as he was apologizing to his fans but they still treated him like the same guy. He and his wife got divorced in 2012, which explains why he wasn't really active at that time. Ian made a video of him playing Super Craft Bros in the background and confessed why he left. Everything was going smoothly until November 22nd of 2012 when he only uploaded about 4 videos up until January 15th, 2013.īefore youtube and Teamcrafted He had a good friend named Tarik who lead him to minecraft
Though he made his channel in 2009, no videos were uploaded until 2010 where he would spend his free time each day uploading game-play videos such as Call of Duty, Dota, League of Legends, and more. His Troll Craft series is currently the most popular series.

This is where the first instance of 'Crundee' originated. He Has 19.9 Million Subscribers and 10.74 billion views. In Season 1 of SkyFactory, was released on Apwhich his partner Crainer meeting and recording for the first time. He was a member of the former-TeamCrafted and a former US Airman. Ian Marcus Stapleton, known online as SSundee, is a 33 year old American YouTuber born on December 2, 1987.